Two Hunts!

* Twisted Hunt FALL 2011 *
Again, this suffering and delightful season comes back!
Twisted Hunt FALL 2011 has started and I participate with these prizes.
  LIKKA*HOUSE Hunting High and Low Dress (for Ladies)

  LIKKA*HOUSE Hunting High and Low (for Unisex)

"L*H Hunting high and Low" is wearble drive/hover/sailing object.

You should be looking for a small rotated box in my mainstore.
Hint is "You should know that truth is there behind Victory painted black and red."
Yes, behind black and red....
Please try and find it!

Twisted Hunt FALL 2011 9/1~30 BLOG

* 'Couleur de tout Hunt *
One more hunt is in select shop 'Couleur de tout.
You should find two soda float, one of them is in there and other is in my mainshop.
Both sodas make this prize.
  LIKKA*HOUSE Flora-pumpkin- : CDTH Prize

In 'Couleur de tout, there are 23 soda floats from great shops.
Hint for my mainshop's frozen is "If you can't drink soda float, you may eat hot stew! "

C. D. T. Hunt 9/1~30  'Couleur de tout  BLOG