*New* GachaGacha Machine-Kanji Tank
I offer the new GachaGacha Machine of Kanji (Chinese letter) tanks.
LIKKA*HOUSE Kanji Tank 10L$ per item
Kanji words means as...
1..."second life"
2..."net addicted"
3..."seven times fall but eight times rise"
4..."dark beasts and evils"
5...japanese tongue twister
6..."narrowly death"
7..."appear and vanish without trace"
8..."she have both wit and charm"
9..."nice to meet you"
10..."a cat lover"
11...when Buddha is born he said so
12...secret ;P
The GachaGacha Machine is a random prize vendor like a gum ball seller. Please try and get it by 10L$ per item.
Every tanks are transferable, you can give it to your friend as a gift :D
Aaaand, here are free tanks at main shop and Roman shop.
FREE Kanji Tank Sannomiya limited

FREE Kanji Tank Roman limited
They mean "Sannomiyaist/Romantist",
"Sannomiya/Roman limited"
"a Sannomiya/Roman resident".
Take it free as a souvenir of wonderful Sannomiya sim and Roman sim.