*NEW!* The Name of the Rose & Music for the Soul Hunt

I Releaed new gowns.

  LIKKA*HOUSE The Name of the Rose

Precisely they are not new but 8 color variations of which it has been released last summer.
Colors are gray, pink, innocent white, cyan, epresso, gold, bronze,black.
I divided them into 2 groups spring side and autumn side.

And has been released one is crimson.

These gowns have so many roses.
Each roses have resize script so you can fit them to your body.

How about being a diva of spring?

*** Grid Wide Hunt ****

I participate new grid wide hunt it themed "music".
So my prize is here.


If you touch this hat, you will listen nice music ? or ........?
Enjoy it with this !

Music For The Soul Hunt 2010.1.15 ~ 2.15